Friday, May 11, 2012


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Jack straw’s solution � Complete revision of the 151 convention, the changes included a internationally agreed

• Safe list - people applying for these countries would be rejected.

• Quota system - set up to provide temporary protection of those fleeing countries where abuse does occur.

Phillip Ruddock and Jack Straws views are similar, both express view of frustration with the workings on the convention.

$10 billion is spent every year to deal with half a million asylum seekers.


• Gives Australia an annual contribution of 0 million dollars

• 5 million dollars a year is spent on assessing applications.

When Australia increased penalties for the people smuggling, Indonesian people smugglers began using escort boats to remove as many crew members as possible before they entered Australian waters.

They employed kids under 18 in the knowledge that they would be prosecuted leniently

Began new tactics of dump and depart, to leave passengers to fend for themselves on the first piece of available land, while they quickly withdraw back to Australian waters.

Talks about 1-000 total 1,71, this was a 50% increase on that of the previous year. But was only a little higher from that of 16-7 11,1, but lower than that from 8 where the Beijing massacre, where 1,54 were lodged.

(lots less) England and (lots less) Germany and (1/) Canada Australia Italy, (x) America, France.

Talks of how Australians policy should reflect the Swedish one in that the Swedish one is run by civil servants while the Australian detention centers have gone private.

The idea behind Sweden’s policy was that past the purpose of detaining asylum seekers, there were no limitations on their civil rights.

Detention in Sweden is only used when all other measures are seen to be ineffective. Which is different to Australia’s where detention is first priority

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