Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Aerobic Activity: The Real Story

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Have you ever finished with a long run, or any aerobic activity for that matter, and felt really bad? You know, the times when your legs are so tired they feel like they are going to fall off, or your lungs are pumping so hard that it feels as if they are going to explode. At times like these you wonder to yourself, “Why am I putting myself through this; what’s the point?” Then there are sometimes when you finish up with your workout and you just feel great. You have a lot of energy, you don’t feel that tired, and you feel really fulfilled knowing that you pushed yourself to the limit. These are obviously two extreme ways of thinking after your workout, but let’s look beyond the immediate effects of just running. Running is just one example of an aerobic activity that you can do. There are many other ways other than running to get an aerobic workout. There are many different benefits to exercising aerobically on a regular basis, even if you only do it once or twice a week. These benefits can range from psychological benefits to physical benefits. Some people have tried to prove that aerobic exercise isn’t as good for you as most people think it is. For example, many people think running is bad on your knees and legs, and that aerobic exercise can physically drain you and is hard on your body. However, these people are obviously mistaken. Regular aerobic activity will improve your quality of life now, and in the future.

There are many ways in which researchers have found that aerobic exercising is good for you. Exercising aerobically can help deter and prevent diseases from your body. There has been a lot of research done on how exercising, and eating healthy regularly can slow prostate cancer cell growth, and other diseases. According to Dr. William Aronson, a researcher at UCLA’s Jonnson Cancer Center, “It’s too early to say that a diet and exercise can prevent prostate cancer from developing or progressing, but our study strongly suggests that a low-fat diet and exercise regimen appears to favorably affect the levels of hormones or growth factors that influence prostate cancer growth”(“Study Shows Diet and Exercise Slow Cancer Cell Growth”). At the Jonnson Cancer Center they conducted a study to find out exactly how much exercising and a good diet can slow cancer cell growth. They tested middle-aged men who participated in a strict 11-day diet and exercise regimen. The results showed a 0% slower growth rate afterwards, than the growth rate in the patient’s blood before they started this 11-day regimen. The researchers were not able to separate the exercise and dietary components of the study, but conclude that a combination of a healthy diet and exercise is the best way to go to deter cancer cell growth.

Another disease that aerobic exercise will help deter is heart disease. Heart disease is big among middle-aged men and women. According to Lisa Balbach, who wrote the essay, “What is Aerobic Exercise and Why Should I Do It?” “It is proven that exercise alone cannot prevent or cure heart disease. It is only one factor, though, in a total program of risk reduction”(Balbach). There isn’t a certain thing you can do to prevent getting a disease. Having an expert say that aerobic exercise alone will prevent a certain disease is very unlikely, a lot of it is doing a number of things right to reduce your risk of getting a disease. Physically fit people do tend to be healthier, and are able to fight off infectious diseases better than unfit people. Aerobic exercise will also make your body stronger and healthier. According to the November 001 issue of Runner’s World, “A new study at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that running just once a month can help keep your bones strong. After conducting this study they found that in the thigh, the average bone density was 5 percent higher in runners than nonrunners”(4). What the scientists concluded after doing this study was that if you run just once a month your bone density will go up, but the more you run, the higher the bone density.

A lot of people look in the mirror one day and say, “What happened to the old, skinny me that used to be fit and in shape.” That’s a very common question that people who have gained weight ask themselves. There is one simple solution to this problem, and that is to start exercising. Aerobically exercising is a great way to get into shape, and make you feel better about yourself. Running or doing another aerobic exercise five or six days a week will reduce your body fat. Last March at the beginning of track season, I weighed 10 pounds. I had been fairly lazy over the winter and gained a little bit of excess weight. I started running five or six days a week, and three months later I had lost almost twenty pounds. I lost almost all of the excess weight off of my body, I was in better shape, and I felt better about myself. Most experts say that if you are a little overweight, and you want to lose some extra pounds, you should start up on an aerobic exercise program, and a healthier way of eating. Aerobic exercise alone, however, will reduce your body fat, and help you to lose weight.

There are many different benefits of exercise that will be very evident on a day-to-day basis. Aerobic Exercising will increase your energy level. Aerobically exercising causes a person to have much more energy at work, at home, and in everything they do. Experts say that by exercising, a person will be in a better mood, and have a better mental outlook. In a July 001 issue of Health Psychology, scientists studied 14 college females to see if aerobic exercise had any affect on their mental outlook. Before and after each test, study participants took a mood survey, and the surveys showed that even ten minutes of exercise significantly boosted their moods. Experts have proven that aerobic exercise elevates your mood and gives you more energy for the day. These things are often overlooked when looking at the benefits of aerobic exercise. There are many benefits that exercisers may not even know about but are getting anyway. The best part about aerobic exercising is that you may not even know that what you are doing is affecting a certain thing like your mood or cancer prevention, but it will do it anyway. Exercising is also proven to decrease tension from everyday stresses. Aerobic exercising is a way to escape from the stress of life for most people, and it gets them away from this tension for a while each day.

According to the book Physical Activity for Health and Fitness, by Jackson, Morrow, Hill, and Dishman, “People have many reasons or motivations for being active, these include, having fun, feeling good, looking good, feeling healthy, being healthy, controlling body weight, interacting with others, learning or improving sport or recreational skills, relieving stress, and increasing energy level”(6). Most likely your interest in exercising is not just caused by one factor, but several of these put together. It is important to get yourself motivated to exercise on a regular basis. If you aren’t very excited to aerobically exercise, and you just do it half heartedly, it won’t be nearly as effective. It doesn’t really matter, though, what your motivation is for being active, because whatever your reason for exercising aerobically, you will be benefiting from it.

A lot of times, a person who goes from an inactive lifestyle to an active lifestyle thinks they have to train around the clock to get the health benefits of exercise. “You don’t have to train all day to get the health benefits of physical activity, you just have to maintain moderate activity”(Jackson 7). You should be able to enjoy a full and active day, and not collapse on your bed at night with total exhaustion. If life is exhausting you, you might want to consider exercising to boost your stamina and energy. This might help you keep up with life, and not be so tired when you are having a busy day. With people’s busy schedules and all, it is very tough to find a time to exercise. People use the excuse that there isn’t enough time to exercise on a regular basis. What people don’t understand is that they don’t have to run a marathon to exercise. If they jogged for 0 minutes, or walked briskly for a half an hour, it would be good enough. Most adults watch a least an hour of TV a night, so why couldn’t they spend half of that time doing some sort of exercise.

The Book Exercise and Fitness, Benefits and Risks has a lot to say on the activity of youth, and how being active can help our kids. When kids are young, they are pretty active on their own, and don’t really need to set aside exercise time like adults do. As our society is getting more and more into television and video games, kids are spending less time outside running around with their friends, and more time inside in front of the television. Getting obese isn’t really that big of a problem for little kids, but is growing for teenagers. I had a friend named Andy when I was growing up. In about sixth grade I remember we used to run around and chase each other, and have a good old time. He was about the same size as I was at that time. As we grew older, he really got into video games, and I continued to participate in sports. At the end of high school Andy ended up weighing over three hundred pounds, and was really overweight, but I kept my weight in check doing physical activities. Andy’s gaining weight was directly related to his lack of exercise. If he would have continued to be active in sports like he had been as a youngster, he would probably not be overweight today.

Robert M. Malina, who wrote Activity and Fitness of Youth Are They Related, looked at a study done on active and inactive youth throughout different age groups. He studied the kids doing tasks like the static arm hang, a long run, the sit and reach, and other tests. He found that the only thing that the active youth were clearly better at were cardiovascular endurance tasks. The active youth were more in shape, could run longer than the inactive youth, and therefore healthier kids. The effects of exercising may not be as evident in youth as they are in adults. Most youth seem to get some sort of exercise, either that of a sport, or gym class, or recess. Adults, however, can very easily have no exercise built into their schedule, and not get any exercise whatsoever.

There is no doubt that exercising is good for you, and it will help you. Some experts, however, say that exercising can be hard on your joints. For example, they say running is putting too much impact on your knees and will hurt them in the long run. This may be true to a certain extent, but if you stretch properly, and use correct form when exercising, hurting your joints shouldn’t be that big of a factor. There are cases when people overextend themselves, and hurt themselves in the process. Let’s say you think to yourself that you have to run ten or fifteen miles a day to stay in shape. I’m sure you wouldn’t have more energy during the day because you would be too exhausted, and have over exerted yourself. Aerobically exercising moderately and regularly is very healthy for you, and will definitely benefit you.

The benefits of exercising are seemingly endless. It will help control your body fat, increase resistance to fatigue, give you extra energy, increase lean body mass, decrease tension, increase general stamina, improve you moods, decrease risk of a disease, reduce depression and anxiety. If you aren’t exercising now, don’t try to set your sights too high to start. Try for three or four days a week at first. Start off slowly, and build up. Being active and exercising is very important to your quality of life. Exercising is something you can do from your teen years all the way to your golden years. It will definitely make you feel better about yourself, and about the way you look. Although it will improve your outside appearance, it will do so much for the good of your body on the inside too. Start being physically active now, and make yourself a healthier and more physically fit person.

Work Cited

Balbach, Lisa. What is Aerobic Exercise and Why should I do it? Health and Fitness

Homepage, http//

Fast Facts. Runner’s World, November 001 v6 i11 p4. Copyright 001 Rodale

Press Inc.

Froberg, Lammert, Hansen, and Blimkie. Exercise and Fitness, Benefits and Risks.

Odense University Press, 17.

Jackson, Morrow, Hill, and Dishman. Physical Activity for Health and Fitness.

Copyright 1 by Jackson, Morrow, Hill, and Dishman.

Study Shows Diet And Exercise Slow Cancer Cell Growth. Cancer Weekly, October ,

001 pNA.

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