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Project. Leadership And Motivation
Student Conor O’doherty
Project Three
Outline the factors which you consider to be the key to the success of the role of the supervisor in the motivation and leadership of staff ..reflect on the successes and failures you have experienced in your own position in the work place.
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The question is to be a successful the supervisor must motivate their staff to do the job.There are several theories on this motivation of staff .Which I will go into in the main part of the project will deal with the different theories of motivation available to a supervisor but these will be based on their company policies etc. The second part is on Leadership of the supervisor .The area’s,Motivation and Leadership go hand in hand to motivate a staff ,a supervisor must have good leadership skills. As stated earlier Motivation and Leadership go hand in hand with leadership being more powerful then motivation . You cannot motivate staff if you are not good in leadership skills. This may be a powerful statement to make but in the main section I will prove this with personal experience
Main Section
Motivation refer to the inner drive of people .Why do people act in the way they do from a work
perspective it is important to know why some people work harder than others why some people are motivated and others are not
(Harvey 17; p161)
The statement given is important to supervisor , as a supervisor they are in charge of groups
and are responsible for the output of the group .As a supervise you must motivate your group
A motivated workforce will perform above the norm . If as a supervisor you don’t take motivation
a serious . You can find yourself in a bad way . A supervisor can motivate its workforce in several ways
1.Using motivation theories
.Company policy
There are several Theories available to a supervisor to use or if the need be introduce them to the company
Content Theory
States that that factors within individuals that cause to act in a certain way.
(Stoner 18;45)
Process Theory
Process theories are associated with the equity and expectancy and are often said to offer a
more comprehensive view of motivation . process theory emphasises how and by what goals
individuals are motivated
(Stoner 18;45)
Content Theory
There is one theory that sums up all theories is Maslow Hierarchy of Needs.This theory
arrange people needs in a form of a pyramid.with the lowest on the bottom and the most needed
on the top. This can be used in day-to-day job ,as it “hits” on the way people think .He believed that
every human has five needs which they required to be addressed.
1. Physiological
. Security
. Part of a group
4. Esteem needs
5. Self actualization
One good thing about Maslow is that it is universal between cultures. but this theory came in for a lot of
debate , as individual have different forms of motivation , another issue was that it would be difficult to apply and it lacks scientific evidence there are several other form of motivation theories available
These are
1. Alderfer.
He placed Maslow 5 theories into theories .but he stated that the lower levels didn’t have to
be satisfied before a higher need emerged
. Douglas Mcgregor
He stated that human behavior could be placed into in categorized such as Theory X and
Theory Y .The different was that Theory X stated that employees dislike work , and they had
to be watched etc .However Theory Y employees consider work as natural as play , there was
no need to watch over need.
Process Theory of motivation
Put together by Stacy Adams ,this theory is one that the individuals belief of the equity or fairness of the
fairness of rewards and punishment in determining their performance and satisfaction . This form of motivation is used in my place of work Intel Ireland .This theory is a good one as it gives the supervisor control over the motivation of staff . As someone who has worked into electronics industry for 10 years
in different companies this form of motivation is a worth while motivator of staff
Supervisor using these theories must used them to motivate staff . It must be pointed out that company polices may dictate other wise supervisor must look at why people work . i.e What makes people work.If a supervisor looks at these, then applying motivation to their staff is now made simple. There are reasons for people to work .People are not motivated by obtaining the best work conditions and wages .Also for people to work there must be a social concept to work .One such experiment (Hawthorne) noted that people have other needs for working not wages. So as the question state outline the key to the success to the role of the supervisor in motivation of staff is, Understanding what theories of motivation exist ,how to apply them
but most of all why/how and reasons people work.
Now that a supervisor has the knowledge of what motivates workers , they have to look at their leadership styles to put this new found knowledge in to practice . There are several traits that a supervisor must have
in my opinion to be a success in the role of the supervisor in leadership .with out these traits a supervisor
is like a car without petrol .It will go with to flow i.e down hill but when a hill or situation arise ,they will
go nowhere.
Leadership refers to the ability to influence others ,their attitudes and their behaviour ,towards the
achievement of goals
(Harvey 17;181)
I have seen many types of leaders in my life both in the military and also in industry in Ireland and
the U.S. One thing I have noticed is that with the follow traits a supervisors has been very successful
these traits are
1. Approachable / warm
If a supervisor has this trait people will come to them with any issue’s they may have. I have seen supervisors finding out second hand issue’s that effects their area from other people, and they were not
told about it.
. Trust.
Trust is critical to leadership .with trust people grow .without it they may perform adequately but higher potential will wither
Richard Wells ,OPM Chief Constable South Yorkshire Police
This is the most single important trait a supervisor may have .without trust people have no regard
for you as a person .motivation would also lead on from this. If people trust you, people will “follow”
you, and do as you say .This is what the military is based on. It also the same in industry but not as
much emphasis on it
. Knowledge of the task in hand.
In my company all supervisors must have a working knowledge of the job .There is training set
aside for supervisors to get to know there area .If people feels that the supervisor knows the area ,them
there is a respect for that leader.
4. Sense of humour
Not only must leaders be approachable that must have sense of humour .Sometimes the job at hand maybe over a great strain of pressure and a good laugh maybe in order.
5. Honesty
If a supervisor is the taken serious as a leader, people must be able to believe what they are telling
or offering as way of motivation people
6. Listener
Now that you are a supervisor who will hold a position that people will come to you with issue’s
they may have with HR or most times production issue’s. As to be successful a leadership the ability to
to work out problems depends on listening to other people’s idea’s or problem. If you can do this people
will feel that you are giving them your time no matter how small the issue maybe. This will again work
on the trust / approachable trait of a supervisor.
7. Team Player
These days when more and more companies are being put into teams. The supervisor now
is able to motivate staff and also have good leadership traits, must be a good team player, as these will
be team leaders. It is required that they will have this trait as well.
8. Communicator.
In some classes work, it was said that the supervisor is a link from workers to management
and back. Information goes up and down the “line”. So a supervisor must have the rights skills
to pass on the information being sent.
As in Noel Harvey book “The Challenge of supervisory Management”. He states like motivation , leadership is very much a dynamics process. It goes beyond personality and is closely linked with
behaviour. It is also stated that in includes many other factors, and one of these is personally. This
is a important trait of a supervisor. As stated earlier i have seen many supervisor coming and going
and the best one’s in motivating/leadership of staff, have had good personality
As stated in the question outline the factors which you think are the success in the role of the supervisor in motivating and leadership of staff. I have stated what a supervisor needs to understand about motivating
staff and what motivation theories are available to them,I also pointed out what makes people work. If a
supervisor takes these on board, then they will be successful as a supervisor ,but all is fine if they can
put these into practice in the workplace ,only company polices may dictate this. How and when these
theories are applied to the workplace
On the leadership part of the question. I have given what in my opinion to be the correct traits a supervisor must have, this list is made up from personal experience.
Harvey Noel,(17), “The Challenge Of Supervisory Management”; Oak Tree Press
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