Wednesday, April 25, 2012


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Welcome to Japan! Did you know that almost all the cartoons that you watch today are made in Japan? For example, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z, Power Rangers, Ninja Turtles, and Batman are all Japanese! Japan may look small, but did you know it is made of 4,000 small and big islands? It’s capital is Tokyo, the largest city in Japan. Japans four biggest islands are Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku. About 16 million people are crowded on these islands. It’s one of the world’s largest nations in population. During 1870 to 170 the population increased from 0 million to 100million. About 8 ¼ million of those people lived in Tokyo.

People had lived in Japan for over 0,000 years! To survive, they hunted for deer and boar, fished, and gathered nuts and berries. During this time people lived in villages of about 50 people. The Japanese learned how to grow rice in irrigated fields, and also learned how to make tools and weapons out of bronze and metal. They began to settle in communities near the rice paddles. This period is called the Yayoi era about 00 B.C. to A.D. 00. In the 600’s and 700’s one of the family groups began to dominate the others and it declared itself. By tradition the imperial family has no family name. The head of the imperial house, whose name was Kotuku, became emperor in 645. In 74, the imperial household moved to a new capital city called Heian-kyo, located at the site of today’s Kyoto. During the next 400 years, Heian-kyo was the center of Japan’s government and nobility. By the 1100, two large military clans- the Taira and the Minamoto- had armies of samurai under their command. Both clans were descendants of the noble families in court. By the early 1,00’s Japans political situation had become highly unstable. Private estate owners were struggling to retain shogun’s ambitious supporters expanded their influence.

Japan is made of 4 big islands and many small ones, off the east coast of Asia. It is 145,850 sq. miles across. $1 in United States is worth $10 yen. About three-fourths of the Japanese people live in urban areas, and one-fourth live in urban areas. Most of them live in Kawasaki, Yokohoma, Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya. Some wealthy Japanese buy designers made of garments, but the majority of the people purchase more moderately priced clothing. The styles they buy are similar to the styles in the United States and Western Europe. Japanese people usually wear western clothing. Old people still wear traditional clothing in homes. Many Japanese families eat on weekends and weeknights as well as on special occasions. Favorite dining places are McDonalds, Denny’s and other Japanese restaurants. The main food of Japanese is rice, which they serve every meal. Fish is also a very important food, soy sauce is often used in foods, and Drinks are often made of rice. When dining at home, mostly older people eat traditional Japanese foods. They drink tea and eat rice almost every meal with other stuff around a small square table.

Japanese is the official language of Japan. Many Japanese people can also speak English. Writing Japanese is one of the most difficult writing systems in the world. Japanese also ranks among the worlds leading produce in motion pictures. They are also famous for their movies and cartoons. Japanese music sometimes features one instrument or voice or a group of instruments that follow the same melodic line instead of blending in harmony. Japanese instruments like the flute like biawa; the zither like koto; and the three stringed bang like samisen or shamisen.

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Japan is a land of great natural beauty. Japan’s largest island has an area of 87,805 square miles. Japan’s tallest and most famous peak Mount Fuji, or Fujiyama is one of the tallest peaks in the world. Mt. Fuji, which is inactive, rises 1,88 ft. above sea level.

Japan has many different kind of bugs, for example, the Japanese beetle is an insect that injures grasses, trees, crops, and garden plants. The beetle entered the United States about 116. It probably was accidentally imported in the roots of nursery plants from Japan. It is now found in all states east of the Mississippi River and in Canadian provinces of Quebec and Ontario. An adult beetle is about half an inch.

The Japanese giant salamander, of the family Cryptobranchidae, is the worlds largest salamander, reaching a length of 1.6 m (5.5 ft). It is long-lived; the first living specimen ever sent to Europe was maintained for 5 years. This salamander is found only on the southern end of the Japanese island of Honshu, in cold mountain streams. The skin of this species contains many blood vessels and is apparently used in respiration, absorbing oxygen from the water. The Japanese giant salamander retains certain larval features. Fertilization is external.

The Japanese bobtail cat is an old breed unrelated to the somewhat similar Manx cat. Like the Manx, its hind legs are longer than the front ones, but when the Japanese bobtail stands relaxed, its hind legs are kept slightly bent so that the back is almost level. Its tail, never absent as in the Manx, is short, about 5 to 7.5 cm ( to in) long. The bobtails coat comes in a variety of colors, but in Japan the traditional Mi-Ke is a tricolor of black, red, and white. The Japanese bobtail cat was brought to the United States about 168.

The Sea of Japan separates the Japanese islands from the Asian mainland. It is about 1,600 km long, has an area of 1,000,000 sq km, and reaches a maximum depth of ,750 miles. The Tsushima archipelago and the shallow Korea Strait form its southwestern boundary. To the west are South and North Korea, and to the northwest, Russia. The main Japanese island, Honshu, whose coastline is heavily industrialized, is located to the east. The seas most important port is the Russian city of Vladivostok.

I hope you’ve learned a lot about Japan and someday visit it. The most important thing I learned about Japan was that all the cartoons that we watch today are from there. I think Japan is a very cool country because of the way they eat. I hope you enjoyed my report.

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