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The book of Jonah is a book about Jonah the prophet. It is different from all of the other books written about prophecy. Jonah’s book is a story about Jonah. Jonah’s book contains a detailed account of the mission that God gave to Jonah and Jonah’s willful disobedience of that mission. The other books of prophecy deal with the prophecies of God.
God called Jonah to preach repentance to the people who lived in Nineveh. Nineveh was an ancient city, which was founded by the great Nimrod � “the mighty hunter”. Nimrod was the son of Ham and the grandson of Noah. (Nineveh 1). Located on the east bank of the Tigris River, Nineveh became a great city during the Babylonian Empire. Later, the city of Nineveh became the capital city of Assyrian Empire.
Throughout the ages, the site or location of the city of Nineveh was an important city. Its location made it the main river crossing in the fertile northern Mesopotamian plain. (Nineveh ). As different empires rose to power, Nineveh remained a strategic city, becoming the royal residence of the King of Assyrian.
During Jonah’s time, Nineveh was part of the Assyrian Empire. The Assyrians were fierce warriors and sworn enemies of the Israelites. Their conquests gave them the reputation of being brutal to their enemies. They were known for slaughtering their enemies during periods of conquests. The hostility that existed between the people of Israel and the people of Nineveh was rooted in the Assyrian treatment of their captives and the enemies in battle. In addition, the Israelites sought to keep their race a “pure” race, leading the Israelites to avoid contact with other races. This racist attitude seems to be the source of the Jonah’s defiance to God.
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It is not known for sure when Jonah actually lived or when the book of Jonah was written, but it is believed that he lived around 800 BC. At the time that the story of Jonah was written, it is believed that the Israelites had just returned from exile, (Nelson’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Bible 7). Upon their return from exile, the Israelites developed a narrow racial arrogance, believing that their would race had to be preserved. (Nelson’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Bible 7). Like the rest of the Israelites, Jonah shared this same view. He believed that the race of the Israelites was superior and that the non-Jews should be destroyed and not given the opportunity to repent, (Nelson’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Bible 7).
Jonah was a prophet. He is the main character of the book that bears his name. God called Jonah to deliver a message to Nineveh, which was the capital city of the Assyrians, (The Layman’s Bible Encyclopedia 417). It is believed that Jonah’s ministry occurred at about the same time as the ministry of the prophets, Elijah and Elisha.
The book of Jonah tells of the story of a “reluctant prophet” who was a racist and prejudice, (Nelson’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Bible 7). His belief was that God was only interested in His own people, (Nelson’s Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Bible 7). The commandment that God gave to Jonah to go to Nineveh was the only time in the Old Testament when Israel was told to pursue the Gentiles, (The Layman’s Bible Encyclopedia 417). Jonah did not want to follow God’s command and so he decided to ignore God’s commission to go to Nineveh. To avoid carrying out God’s will, he headed to the coastal city of Joppa. There he boarded a ship for Tarshish, which was in the opposite direction of Nineveh, (The Layman’s Bible Encyclopedia.417).
The trip that Jonah planned to Tarshish was cut short by a terrible storm. The raging storm frightened the sailors, but Jonah was so unconcerned that he went below deck and fell asleep, (The Layman’s Bible Encyclopedia 418). After a long while, the heather sailors began to pray, asking Jonah to pray to his God. Later the sailors cast lots to see who was responsible for the storm and the lot fell on Jonah, (The Layman’s Bible Encyclopedia 418). Jonah then confessed that he had run from God. Jonah then told the sailors to throw him overboard so that the storm would stop, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant ). Immediately, a giant fish prepared by God, swallowed Jonah, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant ).
Afterwards, Jonah finally prays and thanks God for his deliverance, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant ). After three days, the fish vomited Jonah out onto dry land. Once again, God commands Jonah to go to Nineveh and deliver the prophecy. This time Jonah did as he was commanded, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant 4). He delivered God’s message and the Ninevites repented to God, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant 4).
God’s message for the Ninevites was straightforward. Repent or God would destroy the city within forty days, (The Layman’s Bible Encyclopedia 418). When Jonah realized that the people of Nineveh had repented, he was furious. His racist attitude made him hate the Assyrians, causing him to want God to destroy them before they had a chance to repent, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant 4).
God looked down upon Jonah and saw his hatred and angry. Jonah left Nineveh and found a spot from which he could watch the city, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant 4). It was hot and dry and so God prepared a plant that would grow and provide Jonah with a shade, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant 4). Jonah was very happy about the plant but then God prepared a worm that killed the plant, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant 5). Jonah is so angry, he wants to die, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant 5).
God teaches us lessons throughout the book of Jonah. We learn about the nature of God and His character, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant 5). We see His control over the wind, the sea, the fish and the plant and we see how he uses these controls to bring about his will for the people of Nineveh, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant 5). We also learn about his forgiveness and that he does answer our prayers, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant 5).
Jonah was one of God’s prophets, but he gives a corrupt illustration of love, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant 5). Instead, Jonah is a good example of how we sometimes tend to judge others and consider ourselves better than others, (Jonah, The Reluctant Servant 5). The study of Jonah allows us to examine our lives to see if we are guilty of the same kind of judgment and racism. We find that God’s grace is for all of us, those who serve him and those who do not know God at all. The story of Jonah enables us to see God’s tolerance or patience with man and his imperfection. The story also teaches us about God’s relentless pursuit of man’s repentance and his desire to reach all people in all nations.
Finally, the story of Jonah is a timely message for year 00. Jonah is not the prophet now, rather we the messengers. Nineveh is no longer Nineveh but Mosul, Iraq. The Assyrians are no longer in power, but their descendants are. The occupants of the city of Nineveh still persecute Israel and God’s people. God is still God and he is still in control. And, God still wants us all to come to him and repent. As Christians, we must remember that the message of God and his forgiveness is still same for all the people of the world even if they live in the land of Nineveh.
The book of Jonah is the story about life of the prophet Jonah. It contains a detailed account of a mission that God gave to Jonah and Jonah’s willful disobedience of that mission.
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