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TIMSS CD Analysis
Every teacher has a different method of teaching. Every culture has its own technique as well. In the TIMSS cd, we watched a Japanese and an American geometry class being taught. The verbal interaction and teaching methods differed in the two different cultures.
In the Japanese geometry class, it was evident that the students respect their teacher from the start. Before sitting down for the lesson, they bowed to their instructor. The class seemed very disciplined. They sat quietly and listened very well. To start off the class, the Japanese teacher asked the class if they remembered what they did in their last lesson. They reviewed their previous lesson and then moved on. During his lesson he used student’s names in the examples. This seemed to peak their interests and really made them pay attention. The instructor put up a problem and gave the students three minutes to attempt on their own. After the three minutes is up, he had a student come to the board and teach the class. The instructor listens and then helps him out when he gets confused. This method is a good way of teaching because many students learn better from one another than from the teacher. Also, having the students attempt it alone first is also a good technique because it gets them to think harder rather than just being taught the answer. Learning from making mistakes is an effective way of learning. In the Japanese classroom there was a teacher’s assistant present. He never taught in front of the classroom, but walked around quietly offering help to whoever needed it. When the instructor used the computer to explain the lesson, not only did the students enjoy it, but it also explained the problem with complete accuracy. Lastly, the Japanese teacher was very enthusiastic in his lesson. He did not just stand up and give a boring lecture. He was smiling the whole time and encouraged his students. “Nothing is impossible until you try” he said to one of his students.
In the American geometry class, there were some similarities but for the most part there was a different style of teaching. The instructor included his students for some parts, but he mainly just stood in front of the class, lectured, and asked questions. He never had any of h is students attempt to teach the class or even go up to the board to try a problem. Similar to the Japanese class, he did have them work on problems in their own notebooks, but then he gave them the answers and showed them how to solve them. Towards the end of his lesson, he hands out worksheets and they just sit quietly and work on them. He also talks about their future goals as opposed to the Japanese teacher and his reviewing prior lessons. For example, he tells them what to expect tomorrow, next week, and later in the chapter.
Despite the similarities between the two professors I think that the Japanese technique was and will be more successful for learning. When students learn form their own and each other’s mistakes, it is more effective than simply being taught the correct way because the next time around, they will know how not to solve a problem. If they never experience failure, they won’t learn as well. I also feel that the Japanese instructor has more enthusiasm for his lesson. He attempted to make it fun for his students rather than a boring lecture. His classroom also seemed for disciplined and respectful, as opposed to the American classroom with girls brushing their hair and students yelling out answers. Every teacher has their own method of teaching, however some are clearly more effective than others.
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