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In the 180’s foreign policy’s helped the age of American imperialism. The president who helped this was Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt was very smart and thought that great power also came with great responsibility. Foreign policy started in West Africa and went all the way to Far East most of these policy’s gave new interest in this region. Also he thought that the “ Big Stick” or a show of force so foreign policies would help America in the economic stand point.
The “Big Stick” helped America with money and backed up threats with force. Since tRoosevelt had good foreign policies across seas he would be able to make a lot of money. He would be able to tax overseas shipment that came from other countries and make more of a profit off of it. Instead of having no tax and not get economic Growth from it. This also allowed country’s to engage in trade on an equal basis with other nations.
Roosevelt had great political power with other countries that he could control. The popular theory was Social Darwinism or the white mans burden this came from the war with Spain to liberate Cuba. America needed a warrant that would make them good for the Latin American affairs.
Despite the economic troubles during Roosevelt’s presidency some dictions help America pull through and get through the hard times. Not only did Roosevelt make good dictions in bad situations he mad a strong political and economic come back with foreign policies with other nations.
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A. In the early 100’s in the Progressive Era United States was confronted with many difficulties. One factor was immigration it was at its peak during the early 100’s that meant more people more jobs needed and room and board. Another Factor was big business. Big business was one of the main keys because the bigger the business the more power a company would have over another. Andrew Carnegie was one of the top businessmen during this time. Labor unions had a big roll because it made the company that they were working for meet the goals that they wanted. Society was falling apart and was in big need of a reform. All this mad the progressives desire to improve society even more.
B. Leadership during the Progressive Age was very important. Some of the leaders were John Dewey who taught at the University of Chicago argued that the government actions should be weighed by the good the do. Florence Kelly owned the hull house in Chicago that helped many families and people through tuff times. Edward Bellamy who wrote the novel looking backward made socialism look like an alternative to the existing industrial society. All these peopled a very important roll and inspired more and more people to help out.
C. Some specific Reforms were protecting workers and consumer protection. Workers worked in terrible working conditions from being unsanitary in the slaughterhouses from working in unstable factories that mostly consisted of worker becoming disabled from the machines. Upton Sinclair wrote the book The jungle that told the public how bad life was in these conditions and how they needed to be changed. Bread made of sawdust, colored water labeled medicine and worthless life insurance were only some of the problems people had and could only blame themselves. This called for consumer protection. People who had no way of knowing that they were going to be cheated. Most of the products people bought were made in unsanitary conditions. Thanks to people like Sinclair who mad people realize how bad it was.
D. Limits of the Progressive Era were mostly consisted of traditional American attitudes about race, sex, and nationalism. Immigrants were limited to come into the country. The Anti Chinese legislation prevented Chinese immigrants to come into the country. Labor unions, NAACP (National Association for Advancement of colored people) Asian Americans and African Americans ignored the reformers period.
Mind that the sample papers like Roosevelt presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
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