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I appear for the outraged fans of the Harry Potter series. We submit that the trial judge was incorrect in finding that the book was not of sufficient literary merit to warrant the acclaim it had been given and that there was no reason why the book should be read as a set text in schools, and that given the importance of modelling appropriate behaviour in young people and the need for strong morals in a fragmenting world, the Harry Potter series was unacceptable as a set text and that it should be removed immediately. I will address the first point of appeal and my colleague Jacinta Yelland with address the second. I will argue that the judge was incorrect in saying the Harry Potter story lacked literary merit due to itís fantasy genre and its world wide popularity. My colleague will then argue that the judge Fandoogleberry was incorrect in saying that the book promoted an inappropriate as Harry Potter can be viewed as an appropriate role model and that the moral ideologies are relevant to the young reading age.
I will now address the first point of appeal. The trial judge was incorrect in finding the book lacking in literary merit on two main grounds; these are that the book is one of fantasy, and should be read that way, and that the immense popularity of the book far out ways the problems with itís values. I will begin with a selection of quotes from Peter Hollindale.
Write my paper for me!!!
It is a good thing for children to read fiction
Children are individuals, and have different tastes
A good childrenís book is not necessarily more difficult or less enjoyable than a bad childrenís book.
Adults and children may like (or dislike) the same book for different reasons.
(not sure about this little bit, maybe not very useful/relevant)
These disconnected statements can all be related to the Harry Potter series. I will explain these further as I attend to my first argument. In referring to the essay �Should we Burn Babar?í , the writer recollects of his own daughters experiences with outlawed products. His daughters had requested barbie dolls, and had argued that they knew the difference between a toy and what was expected of them. This symbol can be used in relation to Harry Potter. JK Rowlingís books are fantasy. They are designed to be read with commonsense and not continued on into the everyday life of the reader. The book wouldnít be placed in the reference section of a library. It would hold pride of place in the fiction section, ready to inspire children to fight their battles with, according to Professor Dumbledore when he referred to Harryís conquering of the evil Voldermort at the end of the first book, with pure nerve and outstanding bravery and to nurture the readerís imagination with arousing statements like �Harry looked upwards and saw a velvety black ceiling, dotted with starsí. It is these enticing phrases and imagination provoking sentences that condure up a fantasy aura around JK Rowlings Harry Potter book.
(donít know if I can actually quote the back cover of the book but anyway there werenít any reviews favouring the book In the moot doc)
The world-renowned Times Magazine was quoted to say that �JK Rowling has woken up a whole generation to readingí. The general feeling towards reading among children is one of disarray. The range of tastes among ten year olds can range from Godzilla to Jane Austin. There are also many children not subjected to reading at all. It is important to cater for these less interested readers preferences. On the average, Harry Potter fulfils these needs. He is an easy character to relate to and encounters interesting obstacles, for example; invisitability cloakes and mirrors that let you see your ultimate desire. These exciting predicaments make the book a must read for the inquisitive younger audience.
I will conclude with a statement from a person that knows the ins and outs of the Harry Potter stories more that anyone else in the world. JK Rowling was quoted in the article �A Good Scareí, as saying that �My Daughter doesnít have a play stationÖShe is desperate for oneÖI donít like the idea that theyíre going to be blowing people upÖwith no thought for what it really means. I think there is a vast difference between that and seeing a character you care about dying in a book, experiencing those emotions, working through things that we all have to face at some point.í The unsuitable nature that the opposition to Harry Potter claim as an argument could be seen as an educational tool for the younger generation of readers to apply to their own real life problems.
I have explained to you the literary merit the book holds, I will now pass on to my Colleague, Jacinta Yelland, who will argue the ideology value of the Harry Potter book.
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